ParentEdge Blog

Everything about SchoolEdge Mobile and ParentEdge.

ParentEdge by the Numbers Infographic!

So lets review some of the numbers for ParentEdge to this point.  Our ParentEdge application has been available to schools since September of this year.  At this point we have more than 20 schools and districts currently using ParentEdge as their go-to way for quickly and easily communicating homework to parents every day through texting and email.  Our homework texts and homework emails reach over 8,000 parents a night and that number continues to grow as more and more parents sign up with ParentEdge.   

To give you an idea of the numbers:

Parents receiving SMS homework texts daily: 7800

Parents receiving email homework updates daily: 4800

Unique total number of parents receiving SMS homework text, homework email, or both: 8,300

Percentage of Parents opting out of receiving the ParentEdge daily SMS homework text or email: 4% (smaller is better!)

Virtual phone numbers used by ParentEdge to this point for each school: 23

Total homework texts sent out this school year: 275,000 These texts contain homework information, study reminders, and other important info from teachers.

Total homework emails sent out to this school year: 186,000 emails with homework info.