SchoolEdge Mobile Inc.

Everything about SchoolEdge Mobile and ParentEdge

ParentEdge Update

At this point ParentEdge just reached the 20,000 text message plateau!  We have now sent out 20,000 text messages to parents with their child's personalized homework update in the message.  We have also sent out 10,500 emails with even more detailed homework updates! ParentEdge is currently operating in schools in six different states across the country!  We hope to be adding more in the next few months as we begin to make schools across the country aware of the opportunity that is ParentEdge!

Stay tuned for some new features which will be announced within the next few months for the coming school year!

ParentEdge is Growing!

We are currently thrilled with the continued growth of ParentEdge®.  Over the past weeks we have added 4 new schools to the ParentEdge system.  In the next several weeks we will be adding 5 more schools to the ParentEdge system!  By being an early adopter of the ParentEdge system these schools are putting themselves on the cutting edge of communication in education today. parentedge - Copy The schools we now have and will be adding to the system come from a wide range of socioeconomic regions.  It appears ParentEdge works equally well in areas of affluence and poverty.  The reason for this is simple: Everyone wants to see their child succeed in school.  The author of this post has never once had a conversation with a parent who said "I don't want my child to do well in school.  I'd rather they fail."  That attitude simply doesn't exist.  From the wealthiest individual to the poorest individual, everyone wants their children to succeed.  ParentEdge helps make that a reality.  We applaud and thank our early adopters for having the foresight and the vision to reach out to their students' parents through ParentEdge!

ParentEdge Update

ParentEdge® is growing fast.  Our initial test school has now sent out 12,040 text messages and 6400 emails to parents over the course of the past two and a half months.  In addition, our much smaller individual test classrooms have sent out 850 texts and 670 emails over the past three months.  We are regularly seeing parents contact us or their school to added to the messaging list for their child's teacher.  (If you are a parent and would like to be added, please go here)  In addition, we have received feedback from multiple teachers explaining how parents have begun to rely on the message nightly for the valuable information it provides.  If the teachers forget to enter some information they have found that parents call or email asking "where is the ParentEdge update?"  We view this as a very positive thing.  It means that parents are using the messages as intended.  They are making sure their children are staying on top of their academic responsibilities and making school a priority in the home.  That is our goal.  To help parents help their children succeed in school. ParentEdge really is a way for the school to give back and ensure they are providing parents with valuable information they need to help their children.  When a school signs up for ParentEdge they are indicating to parents and the community that there is significant value in education being a focus at home.  ParentEdge shows that schools are reaching out to parents to help them and to ensure their is an academic focus at home.

In many cases teachers and principals talk with parents about getting involved and being a part of their child's academic success story.  However, the conversation usually ends there and their is little offer in regards to support.  That isn't the case for schools using ParentEdge though.  Instead, the principal or the teacher can tell the parents they will be receiving a message every day telling them what their child's homework is.  This message will come directly to their cell phone so it is easy to access and use.  It doesn't require extra effort from the parent, it simply shows up at the same time every night.  It bridges the gap between the school and the home.

Enjoy spring break!

We want to wish all of our partner schools a safe and happy spring break.  We hope that all of your students and teachers enjoy the time off so they come back to school refreshed and ready to go!  Please be safe and remember to make smart choices!

Two Weeks of ParentEdge: 2242 Text Messages and 1323 Emails

parentedge - CopyParentEdge has been in service for two weeks at the HC Schaumburg Math and Science Academy.

In that time span 2242 text messages and 1323 emails have been sent out to parents from teachers by ParentEdge! 

These text messages and emails contain information about homework, tests, quizzes, study tips, announcements, and anything and everything that teachers have thought to put in them. We are thrilled with the results to this point in our beta test / pilot program!  The beta test of ParentEdge is open to any schools interested in getting parents more involved.  Check out information for it here.

3 questions all parents should be able to answer

It's hard to talk with your kids about anything once they get to be a certain age it seems.  It can be especially hard to talk with them about school if they are struggling.  Even if you find the right time when they happen to be in an agreeable mood you still need to ask your kids the right questions to make any conversation about school meaningful.  I can't tell you how many times I've asked parents about their child's study habits, where they do their homework, what time they do their homework, do they worry about tests, etc...  I rarely get an informed answer back.  Now in my opinion that's not the fault of the parents.  Its more just the reality of teenage life today for kids, they like to keep things private from their parents.  q What I've done here is compile a list of questions that parents should be able to answer about their kids educational life.  If there are some I missed please let me know.  I will be updating this list regularly:

1. When your kid studies for a test, how do they actually do it?

Being able to answer this questions is very important.  Most parents just think, my kid studies and that's enough.  However, in many cases that studying is perhaps barely taking place or in reality isn't at all.  Does your kid listen to music while they study? Do they text with friends? (Not always a bad thing depending on the kid. This can lead to some serious help for hard classes.) Do they use their computer while studying? Is the TV on?  Where do they study? Do they use notes? Do they use online tutorials? Are they actually doing the practice problems themselves?  As you can see, there is a lot more to studying than most parents realize.

2. When and where does your child do homework?

A lot of this overlaps with the previous question but it is just as important.  Getting into a positive and regular routine in for doing homework is essential to academic success.  The reality of class today (irregardless of whether you agree with it or not sadly) is that most required classes in school can be passed as long as all the work is completed.  In discussions with many teachers the majority agree that almost all the failures they have are a result of students not completing work instead of doing poorly on assessments.   If you are concerned with your student succeeding in class, ensuring they do their work is very important.

3. What are your child's personal expectations and what are your expectations for them?

It is very important that these two questions have the same answer.  In reality it is an entirely different blog post which I will cover soon.  I can say though that I've witnessed kids who have one view of themselves and their parents who have an entirely different view of their child in school.  This is a very important thing to get on the same page about.  Having expectations differ between parent and child can lead to significant stress and struggle for kids in class.  Whether expectations are high or low they need to be in sync and they need to be realistic.  More to follow on this tomorrow.

This really is just the beginning but these are 3 very important questions you should be able to answer about your child.  Please feel free to share this with others who may benefit from it as well!

Can increased parent involvement lead to better student behavior?

Lets assume a school is begins using ParentEdge because they want to see their students succeed academically.  They want their parents to get involved everyday with their children's academic life.  They want that informed, meaningful conversation about school to take place everyday.  The academic benefits from signing up for ParentEdge are seemingly obvious.csroom However, what about behavior?  We believe that a subtle shift in the academic climate of the school by using ParentEdge could lead to significant benefits on other fronts.  One of those is behavior.

When parents get more involved students will get more focused and take class seriously on regular basis. This increased focus and desire to do well could lead to a significant improvement in student behavior as well.  In most schools the students who are focused and ready to succeed are rarely behavior problems.  In most cases it is the students who are disinterested in class or the students who don't see any value in their education.  By altering that equation and getting more students to see the value in education through their parents, behavior may improve considerably.

Let us know your thoughts.  I'm very interested to hear if other educators agree or disagree with this idea.

Quick Tips: How to email a teacher (for parents)

As a teacher, I can say that I receive a large number of emails from parents asking this or that.  Though I respond to all there are certain emails that are far easier to deal with than others.  My suggestions/guidance for how to write and format an email to a teacher: 1. In the subject put your child's name and, if you can, describe the reason you are emailing in a few words.  If not, leave it for the body of the email.

2. In the body of the email try to be as short and sweet and possible.  Explain the reason you are emailing:  "I am concerned about my child's low grade." Say what you hope to get out of it: "I would like to schedule a meeting to discuss it with you.  When would be a good time?" Say thank you.

3. If you have a complaint or an issue that you are upset about try to keep the email as professional and impartial as you can.  Accusing, yelling at or otherwise degrading the teacher through email will rarely get you a positive or constructive response back.  Instead, explain your issue calmly and tell the teacher what you hope to achieve by emailing them.  Again, keep it professional.

4. Don't ask for information that is readily available already.  Try to avoid emailing about specific grades on assignments.  Almost all schools now have a way to access up to date grades online through a parent access grade portal of some sort.  If you want to know your kid's grade on a test or assignment.  Check there, don't ask the teacher.  The same goes for upcoming assignments or tests.  If the teacher maintains an active calendar or website check there first.  If all else fails, ask your child about something.  Emailing the teacher should be the last resort.

5. Make sure what you are asking for is appropriate.  Don't ask a teacher to change your child's grade or to excuse them from a homework assignment because of x,y, or z.  No teacher in good conscience can do those things simply because you are asking.

6. Be sure to indicate who your child is if you didn't in the subject area.

7. If you want a phone call back, put your phone number in the email and say when the best time to call is.  Be realistic though, most teachers aren't going to call you back at 7:30 p.m because that is what works best for you.

To summarize:  Keep your emails friendly and professional.  Be sure to indicate why you are emailing and what you hope to accomplish.  Make sure to say who your child is!  If you want a phone call back, put your phone number in the email.  Don't get angry when emailing and make sure what you are asking for is appropriate.  If you follow these suggestions you will probably get a prompt and positive response from the teacher answering your question or dealing with your issue!  If you are a teacher and have other suggestions for this list, let me know ( and I'll update the post with them.

Quick Tips: Talking with your kids about school (High School)

Parents, I know sometimes speaking with your kids about school can be a stressful and taxing proposition. You rarely get anything meaningful out of that conversation and in many cases it leads to an argument.  In general, your child isn't going to share what is happening in school with you.  Even the best students sometimes seem to shy away from talking with their parents about what is going on in school.  Obviously not all students are like this but there are more than enough to justify this post. A major reason for this issue is due to the fact that children hold all the power in that conversation.  You want to know information they have.  They know this and also know you have no other way of getting this information.  It is not a dynamic that leads to a meaningful conversation.  In general teenage kids seem to avoid speaking with their parents if they can, even more so when it is about school.  The disparity of information from kid to parent is one of the major factors in that issue.  Your job as a parent, if you want to really have a meaningful conversation about school with your kid, is to get as much of that information as you can before hand.  The more you know about what is going on in school, the more your child will be willing to speak with you about it.  They will quickly realize that a simple "everything is fine" or "no I don't have any homework" answer won't cut it because you know that's not true.  It will make speaking with your children about school much easier.

Ways to do this:

1. Check their grades online regularly.  See if they are missing any assignments.  See how they did on tests and quizzes.  Try to remember if they studied for them.

2. If your child's school has ParentEdge check the messages everyday.  Use those messages as a way to have a conversation with your child about their homework and about their upcoming tests everyday.

3. If you are desperate for information, email your child's teacher and try to keep updated through that route.  Email generally is the best means today of getting in contact with teachers.  Phone calls can easily get lost or forgotten about.

Use the above tools to make it easier to talk with your kids about school.  The more information you, as the parent, have the easier it will be to speak with your kids about what is going on in their classes.


Quick Tips: How to help your kids in high school with their homework

First, let me be clear.  No one expects you as a parent to be able to help your kid with their chemistry homework.  You probably took chemistry a long, long time ago or not at all.  Do you honestly remember any of it?  I would assume not.  Its not your job to actually sit there and tutor your child in how to do some complex chemistry problem.  It's part of their education to figure that out.  Your job as the parent is simply to remind them that they need to do it.  Offer support to them and offer guidance by perhaps pointing out certain resources but don't try to do their homework for them.  When teachers say, "get involved!", they simply want you ensure that studying and doing homework is emphasized in your home.  That's all.  No teacher expects a parent to sit down with their kids and work through some complex math problem for advanced algebra.  They simply want you to make sure your child tries to do it.  If they struggle with it, that is ok.  Sometimes things are hard.  Sometimes the answers don't come easy.  Don't stress out about the fact that you need to be able to figure out the answers.  You don't.  The teacher will help them.  Your job as a parent is to simply make school a priority. 

Quick Tips: Making school a priority at home

One easy way for parents to begin making an impact in their child's education is simple: make school a priority at home.  That might sound like a big deal but in reality it is quite an easy task.  Simply make it a point to speak with your kids everyday about what is going on in their classes.  Ask them if they have homework, ask them if they have a test, ask them how things are going academically, etc.  Don't take no for an answer.  It might be awkward at first but eventually it will become an important and valued part of everyday.  It doesn't need to be a grand dinner table conversation.  A simple 30 second talk everyday can go a very long way towards making it obvious that you as a parent care about school.  Kids pick up on that.  If you care, they will care.  If you think it is important, they will think it is important.  Even the most rebellious teenager who is trying everything to stay away from their parents will change their view on school if they know their parents think it is important.  Its a very subtle thing but it makes a very large difference.

What role do parents play in education?

A lot of debate lately, at least where our teachers currently teach, has centered around the role of parents in education.  It is our belief that parents play a central role in educating their children.  We also believe they share the responsibility with teachers and the school.  The other side of the argument would state that education is the responsibility of the school and the teacher; the parents are irrelevant in the equation of education. What are your thoughts on this?

ParentEdge Support Section Updated

The ParentEdge Support Section on our website has been updated with all new FAQ's and quick start guides to ensure that teachers, parents and administrators have all the information they need to make ParentEdge work for them.  Check it out today! Teacher Support Page

Parent Support Page

Administrator Support Page

At SchoolEdge Mobile our support team is dedicated to ensuring that you receive the best technical support you will ever see!  Contact us today for more information.

Henry C. Schaumburg Math and Science Academy joins the ParentEdge Pilot Program!

We are very pleased to announce that the Henry C. Schaumburg Math and Science Academy will be participating in the ParentEdge pilot program during the second half of their school year.  The Henry C. Schaumburg Math and Science Academy is a K-8 building located in the New Orleans Recovery School district.  The principal, Taylor Alston, has shown a great deal of insight and forethought in bringing this program to her students.  SchoolEdge Mobile is working with the school to gather parent communication information to ensure that with, or without, ParenEdge they will be better able to communicate with their students' parents from here on out! We are thrilled to have another school joining us in our endeavor to get parents more involved by helping schools communicate with those parents better!

What is ParentEdge and why does it help?

We are currently conducting a free pilot program of ParentEdge.  Please contact us for more information! ParentEdge is a service specifically designed to increase parent’s involvement with their children’s educational activities. The concept is simple: once a day/night parents of students will receive a personalized text message directly to their phone telling them what their child needs to do for school the next day. In addition, an email is automatically sent out at the same time containing the same information to as many as three email addresses per student. ParentEdge works at both the elementary and secondary level.

The unique aspect of ParentEdge is the fact that it automates the gathering of contact information, creation of the messages, and the delivery. Other applications that claim to be similar simply give teachers the option of doing a great deal of extra work. They require teachers to gather the contact information themselves, create and structure the messages, and send the messages individually for each class. ParentEdge requires none of that. The application is designed to be almost entirely automated and requires no more than perhaps 30 seconds of a teacher’s time each day or a few minutes a week.

ParentEdge is the only messaging system designed by teachers for teachers to save time and energy.

More and more, people’s lives are connected by alerts and notifications given by their smartphones, tablets, and computers. ParentEdge works because it turns one of those alerts into a daily conversation about school every single day. It harnesses the power the power of the cell phone and computer to get parents more involved in their children’s educational lives.

We are currently conducting a free pilot program of ParentEdge.  Please contact us for more information!

For more information about ParentEdge please go to